
Doubt - Changing Our Way Of Thinking Into Productivity When Faced With Doubt

Doubt - Changing Our Way Of Thinking Into Productivity When Faced With Doubt
By Donna Marie Laino

"Doubt, of whatever kind, can be ended by action alone." Thomas Carlyle, Philosopher and Author

Doubt can really bring you down and stop you in your tracks. It can stop you for a long period of time and sometimes for good.

Have you ever wanted to do something and then never do it or stopped before it was done because you doubted yourself? Perhaps someone said something to you and then you felt like something just zapped all the energy for that goal or project right out of you?

The balloon of your dreams, your vision, or your pride just was deflated.

Many times this happens in our lives. Many times the words of other people who just do not understand or may be even jealous get in our way.

It immobilizes us.

Fear takes over and we just stop.

There goes our dreams, hopes for a better future and a disappointment to family, friends, and ourselves settles in.

There is good news for this dilemma. It is simple and direct.

Just start.

Take action and move toward the goal instead of moving away from it. Most people do not even realize that this simple step will change their lives forever.

Here are some things to remember:

  • Doubt will turn to fear instantly if you let it
  • Fear will paralyze you if you let it
  • The head chatter or what other people say does not matter
  • Write your goal and read it several times a day
  • Write the steps needed to achieve your goal
  • Keep a vision board and see it several times a day
  • Take action

Doubt in its true form will feed into a disbelief system, which will always cause hesitation and even an abandonment of a worthy ideal. Like the Nike sneaker ad says, "Just do it!"

And now you are invited to receive 3 free body/mind/spirit tips on boosting your immune system at http://www.creatingbalanceinyourlife.com . You can visit Donna Marie's humor blog at: http://www.healingwithhumor.blogspot.com

Donna Marie Laino is a nurse, humorist, motivational speaker and success coach. She also uses humor as a holistic practitioner and Certified Laughter Leader to deal with life stress and health.