
The True Gift

"The only gift is a portion of thyself." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Optimism is the foundation of courage. ~Nicholas Murray Butler


Prepare For Success!

Before anything else, preparation is the key to success. - Alexander Graham Bell

Experience The Mysterious

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all art and science. - Albert Einstein


Which One Holds You Back?

"Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that." - Norman Vincent Peale

Be Free Be Bold

Freedom lies in being bold. - Robert Frost


Mood Makeovers: Top Tips To Help Boost Moods Naturally

Mood Makeovers: Top Tips To Help Boost Moods Naturally

(ARA) - Stress can come from anywhere at anytime. It can stem from career anxiety, family tension or even the day-to-day pressure of trying to balance everything simultaneously. While stress is actually a natural reaction for everyone, when it persists, it can feel overwhelming and take a toll on our well being.

All too commonly, these times are when we are least thoughtful about what we put into our bodies. A recent study by the American Psychological Association (APA) found that in times of stress, one in four Americans turn to unhealthy comfort foods, which are usually high in fat and sugar.

According to leading nutrition expert, Rachel Agnew, R.D., “We tend to go for quick food fixes that make us feel good initially but ultimately may cause a crash or low feeling and expand waistlines in the long-term.  Oftentimes our moods are trying to tell us important nutrients we are lacking and it’s to our benefit to pay attention.” Agnew shares her simple nutrition tips for mood makeovers that can help give a natural boost.

Ditch Downer Diets: The latest diets like the Master Cleanse or Atkins can cause low mood and energy because the body is deprived of essential nutrients like vitamin B. A balanced diet with plenty of fresh, colorful fruits and green leafy vegetables is key.

Crave Good Carbs: With the popularity of low-carb diets, many people have eliminated or lowered the level of carbs in their diet. But not all carbs are bad. Complex carbs such as squash, potatoes, beans and whole grain breads can help increase serotonin activity when eaten with protein foods such a milk or turkey that  contain tryptophan. By combining these two types of foods, many believe they work together to increase blood and brain serotonin. Serotonin activity in the brain can help support feelings of relaxation.

Super Supplement: One dietary supplement receiving a lot of attention is SAM-e or S-adenosylmethionine, a naturally occurring compound produced by the body. Experts believe that low levels of SAM-e can cause low mood. Over 100 clinical studies have shown that supplementing with SAM-e is effective at enhancing emotional well-being. Agnew recommends Nature Made’s SAM-e product because it is the same SAM-e used in most of these studies.

B Good To Yourself: B vitamins (folic acid, B6 and B12) are important for many processes in the body, especially when it comes to brain and nervous system functions. Lack of these nutrients can negatively affect the mood. Good sources of B vitamins are lean meats, whole grains and leafy vegetables.

O-Mega Good: Salmon, tuna and flaxseed are some of the more bountiful sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Some studies have shown that Omega-3 fatty acids can help improve mood and brain function.  

Agnew recommends consulting a registered dietitian or doctor to create a customized mood-boosting regimen. Readers can ask her specific nutrition questions through “Ask An Expert,” at www.naturemade.com.

Courtesy of ARAcontent


Delicious Ambiguity

I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity. - Gilda Radner

Talk a Little Less-Think a Little More

One of the basic causes for all the trouble in the world today is that people talk too much and think too little. They act impulsively without thinking. I always try to think before I talk. - Margaret Chase Smith


Jump At the Small Ones

Jumping at several small opportunities may get us there more quickly than waiting for one big one to come along. - Hugh Allen

The Cure for Anything

The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea. - Isak Dinesen