
You Have Today in the Palms of Your Hands

You Have Today in the Palms of Your Hands
By Patricia Kirkcaldy

Today – it’s simply the “bottom line”. Today is yours, with all its magic possibilities of
being and doing. Yesterday, with its mistakes, lost opportunities, and failures, is gone forever. Fretting about those fiascos won’t get you anywhere, except maybe the doctor’s office for ulcer medication!

And we’re not concerned about tomorrow right now. It’s still just a wink and a promise.

Today you have the here and now -your reality. Today is the clay in your hands. You mold it and make it what you choose.

One effective today plus another effective day – add 365 of those and you get one incredible year. That whiz-bang, take-you-to-the-top year is created simply by focusing on what’s in front of you right now. What can you take action on right now - even if it’s just for a few minutes- that will bring you closer to your goal?

Do you want a stronger family life? What can do you right this minute that will support that goal? Perhaps it’s to communicate, perhaps it’s to forgive. Maybe it involves setting work aside and playing with your children. Do it – right now. Take the next step immediately.

Do you want greater income from your business? Then what money making activity can you focus on right now to get you closer to that goal? You’ll have a greater chance of taking home a bigger paycheck if you learn to take action and not procrastinate.

Decide to make every moment of your life enriched by the right use of each passing moment. When you do so, you naturally eliminate worry from your life – and that’s one disease out of the picture!

How do you reach success? Simple. Do your best every day, with whatever you have.
By all means, plan for the future, and revise your plans in relation to what you accomplished yesterday. But in order to move forward, you must take action today.

Just get started. Set a timer for five minutes and decide you’ll work on the most pressing job for that long. Then you have complete permission to stop. 99.9% of the time, getting going is the tough part, and once you’ve taken one baby step, you’re motivated to tackle more of the job. As author Mike Litman writes, “You don’t have to get it right, just get it going.”

This simple rule, if followed on good days and blah days and terrible days, will create an incredibly beautiful life! And the legacy you leave for others will inspire them to greatness as well.

Patricia Kirkcaldy runs "Timeless Inspirational Quotes"
Quotes and Stories That Bring Awareness and Healing.

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