
Thomas Edison

"Show me a thoroughly satisfied man, and I will show you a failure." - Thomas Edison

Dennis Waitely Quote

"Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised." - Dennis Waitely

Humor and Laughter

"Humor is a prelude to faith and Laughter is the beginning of prayer." - Reinhold Niebuhr


Are You Thankful Today?

Are You Thankful Today?
(c) Charlie Page

People are funny creatures. We can be greedy and
impatient one day, kind and considerate the next.

And always, we are unendingly complicated.

Take being thankful for example. Most cultures dedicate
a day to thankfulness. In America we have an actual
holiday dedicated just to expressing thankfulness.

That's good I suppose (one day is better than none) but
what about Tuesday morning, or the next 12 minutes? Are
we thankful then too?

Are *you* thankful today?

Allow me to share five ways in which I'm thankful, and
I'll bet that you find you are thankful for many of the
same things too.

=====> FAITH

I'm not selling anything here and I'm no preacher, but
I must say that I am so very thankful for my faith.

Faith has been a constant in my life for almost 30
years. I have hard times and good times and great times
and horrible times, just like everyone else.

But in the midst of all of that, I know there is
someone greater than me, guiding my steps, and I know
He is there ... always.

No words of mine can express how good that is, but you
can count yourself blessed indeed if you know what I'm
talking about.

=====> FREEDOM

You are reading this on a computer connected to the
Internet. In contrast, many countries will forever deny
their citizens the ability to do what we do everyday -
sign on and read email - for fear that truth will set
them free.

If you live in America, your Constitution guarantees
you life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You
have rights. You have the right of free speech, the
right to peacefully assemble and to protest.

Students in Tian'anmen Square made the ultimate
sacrifice on June 4th, 1989 in an attempt to gain for
themselves a right that we in America have enjoyed for
over 200 years.

We move freely from state to state with no border
guards. We are free to worship as we choose. We have
access to our elected officials. If we don't like
something they do, we can vote them out of office.

For these things we should be grateful indeed, because
they ensure our continued freedom and ability to
determine our own fate.

Are you free today? If so, take time to thank someone
who fought for that freedom. Not just on Memorial
Day, but every day.

=====> FAMILY

Nothing in the world can replace the happiness that
family brings. My family is probably as weird and
wonderful as your own, and sometimes I shake my head in
disbelief and say that no one would believe the "crazy
uncle Joe" stories if I told them.

But I'm thankful every day for my family, and for the
way I was raised. It makes me tremble to think of how
different my life as a child was from today's children,
and I'll be forever thankful for being raised in a
place and time where things like innocence and
integrity and the truth mattered.

The day I was married was the most life-changing day I
could have imagined. Suddenly, two people became one.
That she wanted an old shoe like me is a mystery I
still can't figure out, but I've long since stopped
second-guessing my wife. Certainly she had her reasons.
I'm just glad she didn't change her mind. ;)

The day I became a dad the world started making more
sense than ever before, and I knew in a way that can't
be expressed why I was on this earth. If you're a
parent, you know too. No greater privilege exists. No
greater stewardship can be granted. No greater joy can
be experienced.

If you are part of a family, you can be thankful right
now too.

=====> FORTUNE

Here's the good news ... you are rich right now.

The sheer fact that you are reading this article means
you are better off than 2 billion (yes - that is a "B")
citizens of planet earth who can't read.

If you know, right now, where your next meal will come
from you are better off than 17% of children living in
America. The rates for other countries are staggeringly

In these things and more, most of us are privileged in
ways that others only dream of.

Our world encourages us to be competitive, to win.
These are necessary traits if we are to progress.
Progress is necessary and good. Yet the siren song of
business, the desire for double digit growth and the
constant comparisons of ourselves to others often cause
us to forget that we have so much more than we think.

If you ate a meal today, you can be thankful indeed.
Many people did not.

=====> FUTURE

The Internet itself is a reason for great thanksgiving.
It may seem cliche, but the fact remains that in no
other time in the history of the world has it been
easier to open your own business and change your

For many the Internet is not a convenience, but rather
the only way out of desperate circumstances.

A computer programmer in one of the formerly Communist
countries of Eastern Europe found his way out of
poverty by selling his services cheaply over the

Providing excellent customer service and thankful for
the opportunity itself, the income he earns makes
possible such "luxuries" as proper medical care and a
steady food supply.

While the average per capita income in his country
remains under $1000 U.S., he eclipses that number and
is building a future for himself and his extended

We in America view Thanksgiving as a one-day event, yet
one can guess that it's Thanksgiving every day in his

My knees buckle when I think of how much I have to be
thankful for, and no list would be complete without
including you.

The honor of working for myself, serving clients and
readers for so many years, is more than I ever thought
would happen to me.

That's my list. I'm thankful for it all, and want you
to know that includes you.

Now let me encourage you to take just a few minutes
right now and make a list of your own. Then tell the
people on that list that you are thankful for them
today, while you can and while it's fresh on your mind.

If you are having difficulty finding your blessings,
try starting with these simple questions. Do you live
free today? Does someone love you today? Have you heard
children's laughter? Are you part of a family?

The more you think, the more you will realize that you
are blessed indeed. When we harbor the illusion that we
can change the future, and allow our thoughts to stay
there, we forget the joys of today.

We must not let the speed of the Internet or the
constant demands of our business life steal our sense
of well-being and appreciation for the people in our

There will be plenty of time for websites and talk of
income later. Today is a day for being thankful and
counting every blessing twice. Count yours today and
every day and you will find that you are rich indeed.

Charlie Page helps people succeed in their Internet
businesses. Visit Charlie at


Love-Robert J. Whetten

"Christlike love is a gift of the Spirit." - Robert J. Whetten

Mother Teresa

You can and you must expect suffering. - Mother Teresa

Greatness-Winston Churchill

"The price of greatness is responsibility." - Winston Churchill

John F. Kennedy Quote

"For those to whom much is given, much is required." - John F. Kennedy


Patience-E.Joseph Crossman

"The greatest power is often simple patience." - E. Joseph Crossman

Wish Well-Seneca

"To wish well is part of becoming well." - Seneca

Pride-John Ruskin

"In general, pride is at the bottom of all great mistakes." - John Ruskin


Quote by Jim Rohn

"Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better." - Jim Rohn

Krishnamurti Quote

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - J. Krishnamurti

Virtue-Joseph Joubert

"Virtue is the health of the soul." - Joseph Joubert


Quote by Lech Walesa

"Words are plentiful, but deeds are precious." - Lech Walesa

Popularity-Abraham Lincoln

"Avoid popularity if you would have peace." - President Abraham Lincoln


"Help yourself, and Heaven will help you." - Jean De La Fontaine


Thick Skin-Konrad Adenauer

"A thick skin is a gift from God." - Konrad Adenauer

Service-Lao Tzu

"(The mature person) pours himself out in service to others." - Lao Tzu

George Leonard Andrews Quote

"What single ability do we all have? The ability to change." - Major General George Leonard Andrews


Resentment-Dan Zadra

"Resentment is one burden that is incompatible with your success. Always be the first to forgive; and forgive yourself first always." - Dan Zadra

Conquering Fear-Ralph Waldo Emerson

"He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

C.S. Lewis Quote

"God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing." - C.S. Lewis


Helen Keller Quote

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature." - Helen Keller


"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly." - Buddha


Do Something For Someone

"You have not lived a perfect day, even though you have earned your money, unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you." - Ruth Smeltzer


True repentance is to cease from sinning. - Ambrose of Milan

Nathaneil Branden Quote

"The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance." - Nathaneil Branden

Spiritual Being-Teilhard De Chardin

"You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience." - Teilhard De Chardin